This article is a case study of electric wind energy plants and the impact they have on the environment. The case study takes place in Serbia, where they research renewable energy sources and assess the effectiveness of wind energy plants. Wind energy is a renewable energy source worth studying because of its economical and ecological benefits to society. Wind energy is cheap to produce and has little impact on the atmosphere, though there are negative aspects to wind power plants also. They include a potential impact on area characteristics, potential damage to flora and fauna populations, and an increase in noise levels. The project sets goals to minimize negative environmental impacts from the wind power plant in Serbia, and though there is an increasing need to utilize renewable energy sources and a healthier environment, wind power does risk endangering certain species, mainly birds.
Josimović, B., & Pucar, M. (2010). The strategic environmental impact assessment of electric wind energy plants: Case study ‘Bavanište’ (Serbia). Renewable Energy: An International Journal, 35(7), 1509-1519. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.12.005
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